WorldCat provides an alternative source for researching and locating additional materials on Arts-Informed Research. WorldCat searches libraries world wide, including public and academic libraries locating materials.
Google books allows users to search open access, online books.
Centre for Arts-informed Research
The Centre for Arts-informed Research promotes forms of alternative qualitative research and representation, to work towards their goal of infusing scholarly work with elements, processes, and forms of the arts. They wish to create an international dialogue between artists and scholars by establishing a space for both parties to work in the field of arts-informed research. The Centre is actively involved in the field through seminars, works in progress, workshops, conferences, publishing, the creation of a library & database, funded research, among others through the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto.
Arts-Based Educational Reseach Special Interest Group
ABER SIG is part of the American Educational Research Association and provides a forum for the conduct, examination, and advancement of arts-informed approaches to educational research. They host a useful List-Serv for researchers interested in this topic, and compile a lengthy list of journals that are interested in arts-based research.