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Videos, Images & Music

Finding Images

Create ImageHere are some helpful sources for finding a wide variety of images for presentations and papers. 

Remember to check your rights permissions at all times. Images must be properly cited, like any other source. Learn more about the best practices for copying and using images. can help you trace the origins of some images.

gfpeck. (2010, March 29). Create [image]. Retrieved from


Creative Commons Image Collections

Museums with Copyright Free Image Collections

Many more museums release copyright-free high-resolution images of the works than are listed below. Always check the search filters of the museum collections search page for a box that indicates copyright-free content, such as public domain, open content, CC0, etc.

When you click on an open-access image, the copyright-free designation often appears beneath the image or in the page text.

Specialized Image Collections
[Check usage rights in each case.]

Collections for which the Mount has a licence or permissions

Reverse Lookup