MSVU Library & Archives
15 Lumpkin Rd
Mount Saint Vincent University
Halifax, NS B3M 2J6
With your Mount credentials, you can access thousands of ebooks. Use the links below to access ebook collections. If you've already found an ebook in the Novanet catalogue, skip to the next section for help accessing the ebook.
A comprehensive collection of close to 366,000 electronic books, the majority scholarly in content, in all subject areas. Includes the Canadian Electronic Library Publishers Collection. Login required on and off campus.
ProQuest Ebooks
To access a ProQuest ebook, you'll need to log in to ProQuest Ebook Central using your Mount credentials. There's no need to create a separate account.
EBSCO Ebooks
We recommend using your Mount credentials to create an account when using EBSCO ebooks. This will allow you to annotate and save the ebooks you are reading for easy access later.
Click here for information about creating a My EBSCOhost account
Once you've logged in, you can open an ebook to read, search for key terms, annotate, and more.
ProQuest Ebooks
Click here for more information about reading and navigating ProQuest ebooks online.
EBSCO Ebooks
Click here for more information about reading and navigating EBSCO ebooks online.