PEN provides nutrition practitioners with ready access to timely, current and authoritative guidance on food and nutrition. It offers evidence-based answers to the questions encountered in every day practice. Five (5) simultaneous users only - please log out when done.
Cochrane Systematic Reviews investigate the effects of interventions for prevention, treatment and rehabilitation in a healthcare setting. Often includes summaries of clinical trials.
The Cochrane Library is also accessible for the Halifax Public Library website. All you need is the barcode number on your public library borrowing card.
Trip (Turning Research into Practice) is a clinical search engine for health related research evidence, images, videos, patient information leaflets, educational courses and news.
Hosted by McMaster University, Health Evidence provides access to 3,411 quality-rated systematic reviews evaluating the effectiveness of public health interventions. Links are provided to articles in open-access journals and all articles hosted in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Registration is free.