In a 2011 decision from the Supreme Court of Canada, regarding the case Crookes v. Newton, it was determined that "hyperlinks are, in essence, references, which are fundamentally different from other acts of publication. Hyperlinks and references both communicate that something exists, but do not, by themselves, communicate its content. A hyperlink, by itself, should never be seen as 'publication' of the content to which it refers".
Rather than copying online content, simply provide students with a link or hyperlink to where the content exists.
The Library subscribes to numerous collections which provide access to digital content like audio files, ebooks, and journal articles.
You can quickly search all of the Library's electronic resources via the A-Z Research Databases & Websites list
To access these eResources and the digital content they contain, you will be prompted to log in by entering your Mount username and password. The URL that will appear at the top of your screen is often specific to your logged in session and will usually expire within a few hours. To share digital content with students, provide them with a Persistent Link in your Moodle course. Linking instructions are available under each database on the A-Z Research Databases & Websites list.
When students click on the persistent link, they will be transferred directly to the content you selected after logging in with their Mount username and password. Providing Persistent Links is the most effective way to share content from the Mount Library with students.
Work available through Internet
The Copyright Modernization Act, Section 30.04, allows educational institutions, for educational purposes, to reproduce, save, download and share publicly available materials that are on the Internet, under certain conditions.
Publicly available internet materials can be used in routine classroom activities, such as incorporating online text or images into assignments, exchanging materterials with instructors or peers, or reposting a work on a password protected course website, as long as: