Graduate students must submit an electronic version of their thesis to the Mount Saint Vincent University Library, which will be made accessible online via the Mount E-Commons.
Thesis submissions require two PDF documents: a final version of your thesis, and a signed Non-exclusive License, which grants permission to the Mount Library to display and preserve your thesis, while allowing you to retain copyright over your work. Please see below for more details on the submission process.
For graduate theses, convert your thesis from Word to PDF. The name of the PDF file should be your first name, last name, your degree, the word "Thesis", and the year, with no spaces in-between each word. Examples of the file naming convention include:
For doctoral dissertations, convert your thesis from Word to PDF. The name of the PDF file should be your first name, last name, your degree, the word "Dissertation", and the year, with no spaces in-between each word. Examples of the file naming convention include:
For further information, please call 902-457-6402 or email If you experience technical difficulties, please contact the IT&S Help Desk by phone at 902-457-6538 or by email at
Optional thesis binding:
The Mount Library does not offer binding services. If you would like to have bound copies of your thesis, we have provided a sample list below of companies who provide binding services (note that this is not an endorsement of the companies or their services):
Scotia Bookbinding (Halifax, NS): or 902-229-1576
Lehmann Bookbinding (Kitchener, ON):
Completed thesis submissions will be available on the MSVU e-Commons within 14 business days after submission.