Open to everyone.
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Learn how to search for and access Mount Library journal articles and eBooks. Session will be held in Seton 329.
Do you have a hard time finding journal articles that are relevant to your topic? This workshop will provide tips and tricks for choosing databases, generating keywords for your topic and using Boolean search techniques appropriately. Concepts and strategies learned are common to most search tools.
This session will cover three key resources beneficial to students taking business classes - Business Source Premier, Mergent Online, and IBISWorld. Business Source Premier is a database containing peer-reviewed journals, and also contains full text market and industry reports including SWOT Analysis. Mergent Online & IBISWorld are also useful tools when doing market and industry research. This webinar will provide an introduction to these tools, giving an overview of useful features and how to best utilize them for your needs.
Statistics and data: do you know the difference? Have you ever needed a quick number for your research paper to prove 'how many' or 'how much'? This webinar will introduce you to Mount Library resources in order to help you find, access, and use data and statistics. Don't worry, you won't need to know anything about statistics or SPSS to benefit from this session!
While being able to find resources is an important research skill to have, being able to critically evaluate those resources is equally (if not more) important. This webinar will provide you with some of the strategies you need to be able to evaluate resources for use in your research.
This session will show how to apply critical thinking and analysis skills to a variety of primary sources. By the end of the session you will know how to contextualize primary source documents and extract information from them to make informed judgments and use the sources as evidence in your assignments. Topics covered include an overview of primary source formats, identifying bias, applying prior subject knowledge to primary sources, identifying purpose and intended audience, and recognizing symbols, silences, paratext and marginalia. Topics will be demonstrated with real primary source examples including photographs, artwork, letters, and other archival documents.
For the second part of this data & statistics series the focus will be on sourcing data & statistics when doing business research. You can still attend this session even if you didn't make it to part 1! Some of the things that will be discussed in this session are the Canadian Survey on Business Conditions and the Canadian Price Index.