MSVU Library and Archives
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15 Lumpkin Rd.
Halifax NS, B3M 2J6
Telephone: 902-457-6401
Hours: By appointment
Including an exact citation for archival material can be difficult to do but it is also all the more necessary given their unique nature. A significant portion of archival holdings are unique and there are simply no others to refer to anywhere else.
In general, the following elements need to be present in the citation to assure that the reader of your work will be able to precisely identify what is being cited and locate it in the future.
If you are having trouble citing archival material, ask the Mount Archives for help.
Patrick O'Neill fonds. "Saskatchewan Drama Festival." 2006-178/8-46. Mount Saint Vincent University Archives, Halifax, N.S.
Copies of archival material made for researchers are for private research and reference purposes only. If a researcher wishes to publish any archival material, they are responsible for determining copyright ownership and obtaining permission to publish the materials.
Enclose the author's surname and date in brackets (and/or the title if the author is unknown or you are citing multiple works by that author with the same date).
Author [last name first]. (year month day). Title [description of material]. Name of collection (call number, identifier or box/folder/item number). Name and location of repository.
MLA follows an author-page format for in-text citation. You should provide enough information within the text to enable readers to locate the full source in the Works Cited page and to differentiate between multiple works by the same author. Usually the author’s surname is sufficient, and/or the date and/or title when citing multiple works by an author or an item with no known author.
General format: Author (last name, first name). Title/description of material. Date (day month year). Call number, identifier or box/folder/item number. Collection name. Name of repository, location.
MLA follows an author-page format for in-text citation. You should provide enough information within the text to enable readers to locate the full source in the Works Cited page and to differentiate between multiple works by the same author. Usually the author’s surname is sufficient, and/or the date and/or title when citing multiple works by an author or an item with no known author.
General format: Author (last name, first name). Title/description of material. Date (day month year). Call number, identifier or box/folder/item number. Collection name. Name of repository, location.