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Undergraduate Students Library Services

Welcome to the Library Awards

The Library adjudicates two annual student awards for excellence in library research:

  • MSVU Introduction to Library Research Award
    • sponsored by the MSVU Library
  • Sister Francis de Sales Endowed Award
    • sponsored by the Mount Saint Vincent Alumnae Association

Each award comes with a cash prize of $360 and winners are officially announced at the annual Academic Awards event in April.

These awards are available to undergraduate students who demonstrate outstanding research skills in using information and resources located in, or accessible from, the Mount Library, when completing a research assignment for course credit at Mount Saint Vincent University.


  • Open to all undergraduate students at Mount Saint Vincent University
  • A single assignment may only be eligible for award:
    • MSVU Introduction to Library Research Award: students with 15 units of credit or less from ANY institution
    • Sister Francis de Sales Endowed Award: students with more than 10 units of credit
  • Assignment must have been submitted for course credit at Mount Saint Vincent University
  • Assignment must have been submitted in the 12 month period proceeding the annual March 1 deadline
  • Honours theses or projects are not eligible
  • All supporting documentation must be included for consideration

About the Library Awards

These awards are available to undergraduate students who demonstrate outstanding research skills in using information and resources located in, or accessible from, the Mount Library when completing a research assignment for course credit during the 12-month period preceding the deadline.

MSVU Introduction to Library Research Award

The Mount Saint Vincent University Introduction to Library Research Award is awarded annually to a novice researcher, i.e. an undergraduate student at MSVU who has completed no more than 15 units or less at MSVU (or any other post-secondary institution) and demonstrates outstanding research skills in using information and resources located in, or accessible from, the MSVU Library when completing a research paper for credit at the Mount. Annotated bibliographies are also eligible for this award.

Sister Francis de Sales Endowed Award

The Sister Francis de Sales Endowed Award is awarded annually by the Mount Saint Vincent Alumnae Association in memory of Sister Francis de Sales, who served as Librarian for 25 years and was instrumental in rebuilding the Mount Library after the fire of 1951 and in the establishment of the MacDonald Rare Book Room.

The Sister Francis de Sales Endowed Award is awarded to a senior undergraduate student (has completed more than 10 units) who demonstrates outstanding research skills in using information / sources located or accessible from the MSVU Library when completing a research paper for course credit at the Mount.

Background & Judging Criteria

The adjudication committee consists of librarians and library staff members. The committee may seek advice from a member of the teaching faculty who has a subject background related to the paper under consideration. The research assignments will be judged according to the following criteria:

  • Research Methodology/Process outlined in the Research Log: an evaluation based on the range of sources used (breadth, depth and appropriateness of print and/or electronic indexes, abstracts, and bibliographies), evidence of consultation with professional reference staff in the Library or instructors, evidence of learning the research process, efficiency of research.
  • Quality of Paper: correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation, and the clear, accurate and consistent use of an appropriate citation style (e.g., MLA, Chicago, APA).
  • Content: synthesis of the topic, organization and flow, and the appropriate and thorough use of research material. Evidence that the paper has met the requirements set by the course instructor.

The committee reserves the right to not to offer the award in any given year. The quality of research must be deemed sufficiently high by the panel of judges for applications to be considered. Should submissions in a given year fall short of these standards, or fail to meet the guidelines, no awards will be given.

The decision of the panel is final. The award will be presented by the University Librarian or her designate.

Research Log Guidelines

The research log documents your research process and the materials used. Please note: not all subcategories need to be completed.  Include only what you used while conducting your research. The cover page of the research log must include: your name, student id number, title of the paper, course, Library Award Category (Category A or B).

  1. Search Strategies

List the databases and search engines you used during your research and indicate what search terms, strategies and filters used.

    1. Journal Databases, Indexes, Search Engines
    2. Keywords and Search Terms
    3. Subject Headings /Descriptors (thesaurus)
    4. Search strings (using Boolean operators: and, or, not)
    5. Limits / Filters e.g. current 5 years, peer-review, etc.
  1. Research and Reference Materials

Provide a complete list of materials used during your research process according to the type of material. Indicate whether the resource was electronic or print.

    1. Background Materials (specialized encyclopaedias, dictionaries, etc.)
    2. Books
    3. Primary Sources
    4. Bibliographies and Indexes
    5. Government Documents and Statistics
    6. Websites
    7. Audio Visual Materials
    8. Other
  1. Consultations, Research Appointments, Reference

Describe any consultations, research appointments or reference help with librarians, instructors or other specialists regarding your research.

  1. Personal Journal

Reflect on your research process and its impact on your work.

Library Awards Archive